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Scott 839
1c George Washington (Coil)

Rotary; Perf 10 Vertically

Price: $0.30
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Scott 839
1c George Washington (Coil)
Coil Single
Price: $0.60
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Scott 839
1c George Washington
Coil Pair
Price: $1.40
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Scott 839
1c George Washington
Coil Line-Pair

Reference Images

  • Scott 839
    1c George Washington (Coil)
    Coil Single
    (reference or stock image)

Technical Notes

Issue:George Washington
Type of Issue:Definitive
SeriesSeries 1938 - Prexies
Date of Issue:1939January 20
City of Issue:Washington DC
Designer:Rawlinson Elaine
Engraver(s):Eissler John (Vignette)
Vail James T. (Lettering)
Manufacturing Process:Engraved
Printer:Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Printed at:(BEP) Washington DC
Press Type:Rotary
Plate Size:Plate of 170 / Cut into Coils of 100 | 1K
Quantity Issued:5653065000
Processed at:(BEP) Washington DC
Perf:10 Vertically
Plate Numbers:
21871; 21978; 21979; 21980; 21981; 21982; 22219; 22220; 22225; 22226
22236; 22237; 22248; 22249; 22250; 22251; 22900; 22901; 22902; 22903
23081; 23082; 23117; 23118; 23119; 23120; 23301; 23302; 23388; 23389
23392; 23393; 23461; 23462; 23632; 23633; 23762; 23763; 23792; 23793
23817; 23818; 23839; 23840; 24025; 24026; 24099; 24100; 24274; 24275
24384; 24385
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