Go BackScott 4273-4282
Scott 4273-4282
42c Flags of Our Nation - Set 1 (Coil)
Die Cut 11 Vertically (SSP)
Issued 2008 June 14
Scott 4273-4282
42c Flags of Our Nation - Set 1 (Coil)
Two Coil Strips of 5 #4273-#4277 & #4278-4282 (10 designs)
Two Coil Strips of 5 #4273-#4277 & #4278-4282 (10 designs)
Scott 4282av
Flags of Our Nation - Set 1
Set of 10 Coil Singles #4273-4277 (10 designs)
Set of 10 Coil Singles #4273-4277 (10 designs)
Scott 4282b
42c Flags of Our Nation - Set 1
PNC11 - Plate S111111111 #4273-4282 (10 Designs); Die Cut 11 Vertically
PNC11 - Plate S111111111 #4273-4282 (10 Designs); Die Cut 11 Vertically