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Scott 710
5c George Washington Birth Centennial

Rotary; Perf 11 x 10½

From 1795 painting - Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827)

Price: $2.25
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Scott 710
5c George Washington Birth Centennial
Pane Single
Price: $22.50
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Scott 710
5c George Washington Birth Centennial
Plate Block of 4

Reference Images

  • Scott 710
    5c George Washington Birth Centennial
    Pane Single
    (reference or stock image)
  • Scott 710
    5c George Washington Birth Centennial
    Plate Block of 4
    (reference or stock image)

Technical Notes

Issue:George Washington (Age 63): From Charles Wilson Peale painting (1795)
Postal Bulletin 15716 — 1931 September 29
Postal Bulletin 15731 — 1931 October 16
Postal Bulletin 15731 — 1931 November 04
Postal Bulletin 15781 — 1931 December 15
Postal Bulletin 15794 — 1932 January 02
Postal Bulletin 15800 — 1932 January 09
Postal Bulletin 15801 — 1932 January 11
Postal Bulletin 15817 — 1932 January 29
Postal Bulletin 15833 — 1932 February 17
Postal Bulletin 16001 — 1932 September 19
Type of Issue:Commemorative
SeriesWashington Birth Bicentennial
Date of Issue:1932-01.04
City of Issue:Washington DC
Designer:Meissner Alvin R.
Engraver(s):Eissler John (Vignette)
Nutter H. S. (Lettering)
Manufacturing Process:Engraved
Printer:Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Printed at:(BEP) Washington DC
Press Type:Rotary
Plate Size:Plate of 400 / 4 Panes of 100
Quantity Issued:170565100
Processed at:(BEP) Washington DC
Perf:11 x 10½
Plate Numbers:
20636; 20637; 20638; 20639
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