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Scott 857
3c Printing In America

Rotary; Perf 10½ x 11

Boston MA: 1639 September 25

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Scott 857
3c Printing In America
Pane Single
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Scott 857
3c Printing In America
Plate Block of 4

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  • Scott 857
    3c Printing In America
    Pane Single
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Technical Notes

Issue:300th Anniversary of Printing in Colonial America
Postal Bulletin 17765 — 1939 August 29
Type of Issue:Commemorative
Date of Issue:1939 September 25
City of Issue:New York City NY
Designer:Schrage William K.
Engraver(s):Arlt Carl T. (Vignette)
Vail James T. (Lettering)
Manufacturing Process:Engraved
Printer:Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Printed at:(BEP) Washington DC
Press Type:Rotary
Plate Size:Plate of 200 / 4 Panes of 50
Quantity Issued:71394750
Processed at:(BEP) Washington DC
Perf:10½ x 11
Plate Numbers:
22438; 22439; 22440; 22450
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